What makes the relation of companies and civil society? They can, just like citizens, advocate public welfare. Many companies take part in civic engagement. Furthermore, the question on the role of companies in our society raises more and more as responsibilities between the different actors politics/state, economy/companies and society/citizens shift.
Many problems in society cannot be solved without considering the role of companies, be it in regard to elderly employees or the compatibility of family and work. In recent years companies have reacted to changes in society by developing initiatives that encourage elderly citizens to stay in their jobs longer. Regarding the compatibility of family and employment, many companies offer support and counseling in order to help employees to find solutions.
Regarding the topic of elderly employees, the zze has initiated and conducted a nationwide network conference, as well as a case study about a local company. In addition, we counsel companies that wish to become active in society as well as non-profit organizations that aim at a cooperation with companies. We also support mayors in the development of local networks with corporate involvement aiming at overcoming local challenges.
Examples of our services and activities
- Übergang – Perspektiven über den Beruf hinaus (Transition – Perspectives beyond the professional career). Nationwide networking conference on October 15, 2010 in Karlsruhe.
- Silke Marzluff / Katharina Plutta: „Experiences with Age-Management in Germany“ as part of the conference Age Friendly Employers of the Economic Development Institute in Maribor/Slovenia on October 1, 2010.
- Case study about elderly employees and images of ageing in a medium-sized company as part of the project Q-Ageing.
- Wegner, Martina (2009): Gesellschaftliches Engagement von Unternehmen (Expertise erstellt für den vom WZB verfassten und vom BMFSFJ herausgegebenen Band "Bericht zur Lage und zu den Perspektiven des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements in Deutschland", Berlin.
- Zentrum für zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklung (2008): Unternehmerisches bürgerschaftliches Engagement fördern. Ein Handbuch für die Praxis. Stabsstelle Bürgerengagement und Freiwilligendienste im Ministerium für Arbeit und Soziales Baden-Württemberg (Hg.), Stuttgart.
- Zentrum für zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklung (2007): Corporate Citizenship. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der repräsentativen Unternehmensstudie. Unternehmerisches Bürgerschaftliches Engagement in Baden- Württemberg. Stabsstelle Bürgerengagement und Freiwilligendienste im Ministerium für Arbeit und Soziales Baden-Württemberg (Hg.), Stuttgart.
Silke MarzluffTel.: 0761/ 47812-431 |
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Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung
älterer Menschen in KommunenArgumentationshilfe zur Förderung von Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung älterer Menschen in Kommunen
Zentrum für zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklung
Bugginger Str. 38
D-79114 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0)761 47812-140
zze Berlin
Karl-Marx-Allee 77-79
D-10243 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 296802-47
Träger: FIVE e.V.