Involvement Politics

Society thrives on the civic engagement of its citizens – in its co-productive and positive, but also in its critical action. Which role does the state play here, especially in a society that is based on subsidiarity? The state’s duty is to provide a conducive framework for civic engagement and participation. It is also responsible for approaching population groups that have not yet been in contact with civic engagement, as well as for giving impetus on all state levels. What it should not be, howevviver, is an all-controlling and funding institution.

We have accompanied involvement politics in Baden-Württemberg for 15 years, and see in it an exemplary interaction between municipal associations and the state of Baden-Württemberg. But we also intervene on the federal level and stand for involvement politics that promote a vivid civil society.
It remains essential for involvement politics to develop and pursue a consistent and sustainable framework for the promotion of civic engagement on the federal as well as the state level, and this is what we work for.

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älterer Menschen in KommunenArgumentationshilfe zur Förderung von  Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung  älterer Menschen in Kommunen

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