Demographic change

The term „demographic change“ connects two parallel developments: On the one hand people get older through increased life expectancy, on the other hand our society gets smaller through declining birth rates. As a result we often speak about an “ageing society” in political and scientific discourse.

We, the zze, deal with the consequences of these developments and take into consideration which contributions can be made by the different societal actors when coping with the challenges of an ageing society. In this context it is important to take into account that there are large regional differences in Germany, and that the need for action is different for each of them.

We contribute to the development of custom-tailored solution on a local level. We provide advice to municipalities on how to promote the participation of (elderly) people in planning processes. We organize and realize events (e.g. conferences, symposia, lectures, workshops etc.) dealing with the topic. Furthermore, we give advice to companies and non-profit organizations with regard to their age management strategies.

In addition to that, we have worked intensively on the topic of images of age and civil society. Thomas Klie has shared his findings in his expertise for the commission of the 6th federal age report (6. Altenberichtskommission).

Examples of our services and activities

Program evaluation: Scientific monitoring of the program „Aktiv im Alter“ (Active in Age) on behalf of the BMFSFJ (2008-2010) [German]

Event: Organization of the conference “Übergang – Perspektiven über den Beruf hinaus” (Transitions – Perspectives beyond professional life) on October 15, 2010 in the context of the project “Quality Ageing in an Urban Environment” in Karlsruhe (documentation in german)

Lecture: Silke Marzluff “”Aktiv im Alter” – Was stimuliert die Partizipationsbereitschaft älterer Bürgerinnen und Bürger?“ (Active in Age – What stimulates the willingness to participate of elderly citizens?) in the context of the specialist meeting of the Rhineland-Palatinate MSAGD on October 25, 2010.

International cooperation: We are one of nine partners from five countries who participated in the EU-funded project “Quality Ageing in an Urban Environment” (Q-Ageing) dealing with the promotion of life quality in age.


Zentrum für zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklung (2011): Kommune gemeinsam gestalten. Handlungsansätze zur Beteiligung Älterer vor Ort. Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend. Berlin.

Klie, Thomas/ Mc Govern, Karsten (2010): Planung, Steuerung und Finanzieurng kommunaler Politik für das Leben im Alter. In: Bischof, Christine/ Weigl, Barbara (Hg.). Handbuch innovative Kommunalpolitik für ältere Menschen, Berlin, S. 37-55.

Marzluff, Silke/ Klie, Thomas (2010): Ältere Menschen in Kommunen - Förderung von Beteiligung und Engagement durch das Programm Aktiv im Alter. In: informationsdienst altersfragen, Heft 02/2010, S. 19-23.

Marzluff, Silke (2009): Symposium "Wie wollen wir morgen leben? - Kommunen im demografischen Wandel". In: BAGSO (Hg.). "Alter leben - Verantwortung übernehmen" Dokumentation des 9. Deutschen Seniorentages vom 8. bis 10. Juni 2009 in Leipzig, S. 359-363.


 Silke Marzluff


Silke Marzluff

Executive director

Tel.: 0761/ 47812-431

Prof. Dr.  Thomas Klie


Prof. Dr. Thomas Klie

Head of institute


Tel.: 0761/ 47812-14

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Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung
älterer Menschen in KommunenArgumentationshilfe zur Förderung von  Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung  älterer Menschen in Kommunen

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Tel: +49 (0)761 47812-140


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