
Using the results of our research and consulting services we regularly develop a variety of publications. Our  target groups comprise practitioners as well as representatives of the federal and state ministries, organisations, and companies. In our publications we suggest practical approaches by processing current analyses as well as results of our research and evaluation.

We edit the "Wissensmagazin” on behalf of the Ministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familien, Frauen und Senioren Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Württemberg State Ministry of Employment, Social Security, Family, Women and Senior Citizens) - which contains background information, analyses of current developments in civil society, and our empirical studies on civic engagement.
In the context of the scientific accompagnement of programmes conducted by federal and state ministries, we develop practical guides for different stakeholders within civil society.

  • The handbook of the Freiwilligendienste aller Generationen (Voluntary Service of All Generations), written on behalf of the Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth), aims at partners and institutions participating in the programme and provides practical advice as well as background information about the programme and its legal aspects (e.g. insurance issues)
  • The handbook Unternehmerisches Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (corporate civic engagement) deals with the entrepreneurial aspect of civic engagement and describes the experiences of a model project on the potentials of corporate citizenship and corporate social responsibility in municipalities, which was conducted in several regions in Baden-Württemberg and funded by the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg.

We also developed AKTIVOLI, an educational board game about democracy and civic engagement. Through AKTIVOLI we provide an insight in our research activities, show how a culture of open and democratic debate can be acquired in an entertaining manner, and explain how local decision-making processes take place.

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Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung
älterer Menschen in KommunenArgumentationshilfe zur Förderung von  Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung  älterer Menschen in Kommunen

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FIVE - Spitzenforschung im  sozialen Bereich