The zze disposes of many years of experience in the evaluation of civil societal developments and in the impact analysis of programs and projects promoting civic engagement, eg. federal programs such as “Freiwilligendienste aller Generationen” (Voluntary Services for All Generations), “Aktiv im Alter” (Active in Age), “Kirchenkompass” (Church Compass). The development of the criteria and tools used in our evaluations is designed as a transparent and participatory process. Through continuing consultation with our partners and clients we ensure the applicability and practicability of our results.
Our spectrum of evaluation tools includes standardized surveys (paper-based surveys, telephone interviews, and online surveys), secondary analyses, as well as qualitative evaluation tools such as one-to-one or group interviews and content analyses. Hereby the zze attributes high value on the tool’s accuracy for the subject of evaluation as well as its compliance with scientific standards.
> 4. Berliner Care-Salon "Logiken der Gewalt": Professorin Gesa Lindemann als Inputgeberin | mehr
> Presseerklärung: 29.11.24 | Integrationskraft der Demokratie stärken! Hochkarätiges Podium diskutierte Studienergebnisse | mehr
> Neuerscheinung: Studienergebnisse zum Studienprojekt "Demokratische Integration 2.0" erschienen | mehr
Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung
älterer Menschen in KommunenArgumentationshilfe zur Förderung von Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung älterer Menschen in Kommunen
Zentrum für zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklung
Bugginger Str. 38
D-79114 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0)761 47812-140
E-Mail: info@zze-freiburg.de
zze Berlin
Karl-Marx-Allee 77-79
D-10243 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 296802-47
E-Mail: info@zze-berlin.de
Träger: FIVE e.V.