History of the institute

The Centre for Developments in Civil Society/ Zentrum für zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklung (zze) emerged out of the focus area „Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (Civic Engagement) – Research and Consultation” at the Agency for Applied Research in Freiburg, Germany.

Since 1996 the zze has been responsible for the evaluation of the federal programme for promoting civic engagement in Baden-Wurttemberg and its thereupon based scientific reports.

For the past years the zze, which was founded and is still directed by Professor Thomas Klie, has expanded step by step working on a wide spectrum of themes and questions concerning civil society on the communal, regional and national level as well as on European and international levels. It combines fundamental research and evaluation with consulting services, transfer into practice as well as offers for further qualification.

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Argumentationshilfe zur Förderung
Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung
älterer Menschen in KommunenArgumentationshilfe zur Förderung von  Mitgestaltung und Mitentscheidung  älterer Menschen in Kommunen

Zentrum für zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklung

Bugginger Str. 38
D-79114 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0)761 47812-140
E-Mail: info@zze-freiburg.de


zze Berlin

Karl-Marx-Allee 77-79
D-10243 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 296802-47
E-Mail: info@zze-berlin.de


Träger: FIVE e.V.


FIVE - Spitzenforschung im  sozialen Bereich